LinkedIn Groups are your networking key to the Job Search Kingdom.
(And I heard from someone with a connection to someone on the Inside of LinkedIn that groups are going to soon undergo a new change! You will want to be using this social media channel more and more!)
Until you have explored and joined groups you haven’t fully utilized the networking power of LinkedIn. This article will explain five way ways to use LinkedIn to help you find that job or new career.
Occasionally when I work with a job search candidate having trouble with his/her search, I find they have not fully explored LinkedIn groups.
This network is the biggest one in the world for professionals in all industries. It is a must-use tool in your job search plan.
Here are 5 ways to use LinkedIn Groups in your job search:
- Expands contacts. LinkedIn protocol allows you to send an invitation to connect to people who are in groups with you. Being in groups allows you to connect with more people and allows other people in the group to connect with you
- Interesting discussions. You can post questions or comment on questions other people post. This raises your visibility and lets people see how you think. Assuming you make a good impression, it makes you more desirable.
- Jobs are posted in groups that might not be posted anywhere else. You can respond directly and perhaps get a leg up on the competition who might be looking at Monster. You might also become aware of companies hiring people in your field.
- Increases your visibility. The more people who know you are looking for a new position, the more likely you can land that job. Recruiters use LinkedIn as their top choice to find candidates. They look in groups.
- Offer more ways to search for people, companies, and jobs. LinkedIn’s search tools are very powerful, even if you do not purchase the expanded services. You can see who is looking at your profile and search for companies in your industry. You can talk to people who already work at those companies and get inside information on who to speak to in your field.
What types of LinkedIn Groups should you join?
It is best to build a mix of them so that you have a well rounded network – the same as you do with people in real life.
Consider joining groups related to:
- Education (college alumni association, college interest groups, sorority or fraternity groups)
- Previous employment
- Special interest groups related to your job, groups related to your industry or the industry you want to work in
- Groups related to some special characteristic about you (maybe your age, sex, race). Be careful about groups related to your religion or politics so you don’t inadvertently alienate potential employers.
If you wonder how employers use LinkedIn, read this article to better understand what is happening on the other side fo the job search process.: How Do Employers Use