The Interview Doctor
FAST Action Remedies to
help you Find your Ideal Job
The Interview Doctor
FAST Action Remedies to
help you Find your Ideal Job

Why The Interview Doctor?
Job search is a repeatable process, regardless of your role. Without the right plan and quality tools to navigate the process, your search for a job will take forever and feel awful.
The Interview Doctor offers a variety of job search support services and products to help you land the job you love. We believe you must make an investment in yourself to get what you want. We consider the whole candidate when working with our clients.
Candidates that work with us are seeing changes in their job search and are being offered more jobs than candidates who do not work with a job interview coach.
Job and Career Search Articles
What if? A Tale of Dreams and Time
Sometimes I stop my work, lift my head, and look around, wondering where the time went. Do you ever do that? I have been working hard at The Interview Doctor since 2005. In 2021, we celebrate 16 years, helping clients find the career or job they love. Seems like a lifetime! I can barely remember […]
Read MoreLearn how to handle executive job interviews
Sometimes a great response to “Tell Me about Yourself” is just not enough. Sometimes you need something more strategic, inserting critical thinking into our preparation. The Interview Doctor has a new tool, Strategic Executive Job Interview Training Program, that can help! Recently I helped Jose prepare for an interview as senior counsel for a huge […]
Read MoreWhat our Clients Have to Say About Us
"Your "class" was fantastic, fun, informative and a game-changer! You have a wonderful way of teaching and sharing. I felt like we were just getting started when it was at the end."
~ Deby
"Thank you for all your help last year. I was able to obtain employment. I have been back to a office job for 2 weeks and really like the people. Thank you!"
~ Linda S.
"I just accepted the job! LOVED the people there!! Thank you so much Katherine! Your advice is excellent!! I appreciate you leading me to finally be able to tell others about myself!!!"
~ K.O.
"I received a job offer and I accepted it! I got superb feadback regarding my interviews, presentation of my skills and professionalism! Thank you!!!!!"
"Thank you Katherine! If you would not have helped me, I am not sure I could have made a good argument as to why she should interview me! Again, my deepest appreciation and thanks!"

Learn How to Avoid the Top 5 Mistakes with Resumes
Contacts Us
Call The Interview Doctor®
Sometimes it helps just to talk. No hard sell. Just pick up the phone or send us a note to see how we can help.
Katherine Burik
Fairlawn, Oh
Phone: 330-495-2337