I listened with pride as Marissa described how she handled interviews recently. She has a big advantage over other graduates this year because she has a built-in Interview Doctor to coach her before interviews. We practice mock interviews; she reviews and thinks through the answers to potential questions; we update her wardrobe so she can be completely prepared. We debrief after the interview to make adjustments for the next time.
Calm, confident and courageous. That is the goal. Being prepared makes her calm and confident. Thinking about her future and having a plan makes her courageous. Of course she got a job offer! In fact she has two job offers!!
How are your students doing? Did your graduate feel calm, confident, and courageous? Did he ace the interview and get an offer? Or is he struggling to find opportunities or confused after interviews?
Yesterday we were supposed to have an HR recent-grad job-shadow in our office. We were all excited. We confirmed several times. We had a schedule of activities prepared.
But she did not show up. She missed the appointment.
Was she just so disorganized? Did she get lost but was afraid to call? Did she forget? Did she have no one to advise her how to utilize such an experience to her advantage in her job search? She did not make a good impression on my office. Clearly she needed the Interview Doctor.
Don’t let your son, daughter, or friend struggle needlessly. Don’t buy another ball point pen as a graduation present. Give a gift of the Interview Doctor. Give your graduate a leg up on the competition. Consider it a public service for those people who conduct the interviews.