Are a college student beginning your job search, or would you like to land an internship related to your major? We at The Interview Doctor can help you. Here’s some feedback from a college professor who utilized Katherine Burik, one of our Interview Doctors, to help her students. Let us know if we can help you.
“Katherine, thank you for the excellent work you did through The Interview Doctor with our science education interns this year (2010/2011). Your two visits to our campus to work with the fifteen graduating seniors has made an incredible impact on the impression our students have made on the professional community and boosted the students’ confidence about their first foray into the career world more than you can possibly imagine. The best part of the whole experience is that each of our undergraduate interns has received at least one call back from their brief introduction at the career fair. None of our MAT students can say that. We have never had this kind of success before. In a time when state hirings are getting tighter, even for science teachers, your guidance and advice has made an incredible difference to this group of young people.
Your professional expertise and the easy and supportive manner in which you share your knowledge has been of immeasurable value ot us, our program, and our students. We sincerely hope you will be able to visit us again in the future. Our students have been encouraged to contact you directly for all their placement needs. Thank you again for all you have done.
Martha D. Fewell, PhD
Assistant Professor/Coordinator
Undergraduate Programs in Science Education
East Carolina University
June 23, 2011″